Exeter nursing ethos informs a new textbook for nursing students

The hub will bring together academia, industry, healthcare, and policymakers from across the UK and internationally
More than 30 authors have collaborated on a new textbook which draws upon the University of Exeter’s pioneering nursing degree programme to inspire nursing leaders of the future.
The book, entitled ’Nursing Practice and Education: Aspiring to Excellence through Seven Pillars of Learning’, was published on 23 October by Routledge.
The book draws on expertise from the Academy of Nursing’s academics, students, clinical staff, and patient and public involvement groups to present a unique resource containing essential knowledge, skills and values relevant to nursing students up to Master’s level.
The book is structured around the ‘seven pillars of nursing’, which shape the University’s innovative MSci Nursing programme, the first cohort of which are set to graduate this December.
The pillar chapters were co-authored with patients, practitioners, and academics, with each chapter of the book providing an engaging scenario from nursing practice or education aligned to one of the following seven pillars:
- the fundamentals of nursing care
- ethics and professionalism
- evidence for practice
- patient and public involvement
- no health without mental health
- global health
- leadership and management
Each chapter includes a range of features to help readers apply their learning, including the application of relevant international research and incorporating the voices of students, patients and their significant others, alongside nurse educators.
Kris Deering, Senior Lecturer and Researcher at the Academy of Nursing at the University of Exeter, and co-editor with Professor Ann Gallagher and Dr Enrico De Luca of ‘Nursing Practice and Education’, said: “I’m really proud of this new resource for building confidence and competence among student nurses. Working in collaboration with such a wide range of authors means we have written a textbook which gives nursing students and professionals a unique understanding of the profession from a wide range of viewpoints.
“It was particularly important that we represented the student voice as well as voices of our public and patient involvement group in our book, and we hope this will be a really valuable text for students and educators as we continue to produce resilient and compassionate nurse leaders of the future, who are committed to leading and delivering the best possible care in all circumstances.”
Alex Berry, a 4th year MSci Nursing student who collaborated on the ‘fundamentals of care’ chapter, said: “This book gave us an amazing opportunity to work alongside experienced nurses in the academy, as well as members of the patient and public involvement group, to create meaningful scenarios and apply our Exeter Nurse Pillars for learning. It’s great to be a part of something that will help shape nursing education and the Pillars are what make Exeter nurses stand out.”
Everyone is welcome at the online launch with special guest speakers on 14 November 17:00-18:30. Please sign up to attend via the EventBrite listing.
A discount of 20% is available using the code EFLO3 when purchasing the book through Routledge.