University, guild and union awarded Responsible Futures accreditation

Students carried out a sustainability audit
The University of Exeter, Exeter Students’ Guild, and Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union have been awarded joint Responsible Futures accreditation.
This accreditation reflects a shared commitment by the institutions and student unions to embedding holistic sustainability across the curriculum and campuses.
Exeter is the only Russell Group University to currently have full accreditation.
Professor Tim Quine, Vice-President and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience), said “We are delighted to receive accreditation from Responsible Futures, which reflects our commitment to integrating sustainability and social responsibility into every aspect of the student experience at the University of Exeter.
“This recognition underscores the hard work and dedication of our staff, students and community partners in creating a culture across our campuses that prioritises ethical leadership and environmental stewardship.
“While this is a fantastic achievement, we recognise that this is the first step in a long journey and we will need to maintain our sharp focus on sustainability and social responsibility in the years ahead.
“Our next step we will be to consider the recommendations Responsible Futures have made and how we can build them into our teaching to continue to be at the forefront of preparing our students to become the responsible global citizens our world needs today.”
Connie Chilcott, President Exeter, Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union, said: “The SU is glad to have earned the full Responsible Futures accreditation, alongside the University of Exeter and the Students’ Guild.
“Our collaborative and constructive partnership is one that challenges us all on what it truly means to act on the climate crisis, and to prepare our students for a liveable, healthy and socially just future.”
Comment from Exeter Students’ Guild: “It’s great to see as a collective we have received an accreditation from Responsible Futures.
“Sustainability is an important issue to our students, and we’ve supported a variety of student-led campaigns and groups to make the change they want to see.
“We know there is more work for us to do around sustainability.
“We look forward to collaborating even closer with the University on driving forwards our sustainability ambitions and amplifying students’ voices.”