Professor Fiona Charnley

An academic expert from the University of Exeter will head up a crucial advisory body for manufacturing and circular economy research from January 2025.

Professor Fiona Charnley has been appointed Chair of the Manufacturing and the Circular Economy Theme Strategic Advisory Team, and will lead a team of experts who advise the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) in the area of manufacturing and circular economy research and innovation.

This prestigious role will help focus the ESPRC’s efforts to support UK research and innovation that drives the transition to a circular economy – a crucial part of efforts to achieve net zero carbon emissions, reduce waste and pollution harmful to biodiversity, and enhance resource security.

Professor Charnley, who is Co-director of the Exeter Centre for Circular Economy and National Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Research Hub (CE-Hub), will bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the role.

Professor Charnley said: “I am thrilled to have served on the ESPRC Manufacturing and the Circular Economy Theme Strategic Advisory Team for the last four years and it is an honour to have been invited to take on the role of Chair. I look forward to continuing to work with a fantastic team of experts to support the ESPRC to deliver the long-term impact for the portfolio, helping to foster a research community with the appropriate skills and leadership to support the challenges faced by the UK in the future.”

The Manufacturing and the Circular Economy theme at EPSRC invest in high-quality research to support a sustainable, resilient, thriving and productive future for the UK-wide manufacturing sector and a truly circular economy.