Sunset at the Glastonbury Festival, showing people sitting on a hill looking over the festival

Three University of Exeter climate experts will speak at this year’s Glastonbury Festival.

Professor Richard Betts MBE, Professor Tim Lenton and Laurie Laybourn are all on the lineup for the Speakers Forum.

They will discuss subjects including media, tipping points and the “blind spots” in current thinking about climate threats.

Here are details of the events:

  • Friday 28 June, noon: The blind spot: the climate risks missed by governments. Laurie Laybourn, a policy researcher and visiting fellow at Exeter’s Global Systems Institute, will examine why many decision makers – from pension fund managers to governments – are using risk analyses that predict the crisis won’t be that bad. He will explain how this blind spot developed, and how to fix it.
  • Friday 28 June, 5pm: Approaching tipping points. Professor Tim Lenton and BBC climate editor Justin Rowlatt will discuss dangerous “tipping points” in the climate system – and the positive tipping points in society that we must trigger to avoid climate breakdown.
  • Saturday 29 June, 6pm: Media and Climate Science. Justin Rowlatt, Professor Kevin Anderson and Professor Richard Betts will discuss communicating the realities of climate change, the power of the media and the influence of vested interests and climate denial. Chaired by Roger Harrabin, ex-BBC environment and energy editor.
Richard Betts speaking into a microphone
Richard Betts speaking at the 2023 Glastonbury Festival

Professor Betts said: “Now more than ever, it is crucial that we have wide conversations about what we are doing to the climate and how to deal with this. Festivals like Glastonbury are ideal places for a wide range of people to come together to learn and inspire each other.”

Laurie Laybourn said: “At Glastonbury, we love the farm and leave no trace. Meanwhile, economists are still conducting studies that predict climate change will leave little economic trace on the world. The lived experience of millions around the world contradicts this. Join me at the Speakers Forum to learn why – and what can be done about it.”

Professor Lenton said “We need the positive tipping point of a social movement to accelerate action on climate change. The Glastonbury Festival is where activists meet scientists and the media to get inspired and drive forward the vital work of the climate movement.”