28/04/2023. London, United Kingdom. Chief Medical Officer Professor Chris Whitty portraits at 39 Victoria Street. Picture by Lauren Hurley / DHSC

Professor Chris Whitty, the Chief Medical Officer for England, has given a well-attended talk at the University of Exeter, launching the new Distinguished Lecture Speaker Series.

Professor Whitty presented his 2023 Annual Report: Health in an Ageing Society.

Speaking earlier today (Friday September 20) via an online link, Professor Whitty highlighted strategies to improve the quality of life for older adults, covering aspects such as enhancing independence, addressing the needs of ageing populations in rural and coastal areas, implementing preventive measures, adapting environments, and advocating for inclusive research and better management of health conditions such as multimorbidity and frailty.

Professor Whitty took questions submitted by an audience of around 200 in the lecture theatre and 200 online. Attendees included leading regional health professionals, alongside members of the public and students.

Professor Whitty said: “Ill health and disability in later life are not inevitable, and we need to refocus to maximise good health and independence.  The South West has a particularly large ageing population which will grow larger. The region also faces particular challenges around access to healthcare services in rural and coastal areas. I was delighted to join the University of Exeter, which has a strong reputation for research in older adults and was pleased to see so many health professionals from across a range of disciplines.” 

Professor Richard Holland, Dean of the University of Exeter Medical School, moderated the Q&A panel. He said: “It was an honour to host Professor Whitty, one of the best known and most influential doctors of our time. His report is extremely comprehensive and sets out the challenges we face through ageing, whilst also being optimistic given the success of modern medicine and the potential power of a preventative approach. Having him present this in our region with its particularly large ageing population was very impactful. I couldn’t think of a better way to launch our Distinguished Lecture Series.”

Read the report: Chief Medical Officer’s Annual Report 2023 – Health in an Ageing Society: Executive summary and recommendations (publishing.service.gov.uk)

To find out about upcoming talks in the University of Exeter Medical School’s Distinguished Lecture Series, or for other continuing professional development opportunities, visit Continuing Professional Development (CPD) | Faculty of Health and Life Sciences | University of Exeter

The University’s Faculty of Health and Life Science – Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Team will host a distinguished speaker annually to deliver a lecture addressing crucial issues in our changing healthcare landscape.  To find out more about this and CPD courses visit our website.