Ducks still regularly shot with lead despite ban
Ducks are still commonly killed with lead shot in England despite a ban and voluntary moves by shooting groups, new...
Ducks are still commonly killed with lead shot in England despite a ban and voluntary moves by shooting groups, new...
Conservation needs to scale successfully to protect nature. A new paper takes lessons from around the world to show how...
Forest restoration can benefit humans, boost biodiversity and help tackle climate change simultaneously, new research suggests. Restoring forests is often...
The UK needs coordinated plans to stop a rush for air conditioning as temperatures rise, experts say. Overheating is already...
A new report finds that to effectively consider social impacts of marine developments in marine planning and decision-making cultures, planning...
Intensive livestock farming could raise the risk of new pandemics, researchers have warned. Industrialised farming is often thought to reduce...
In an industry first, EDF Renewables UK and Nature Positive have today announced a long-term academic partnership with the University...
University of Exeter researchers have commented on what the new UK government should do in response to the biodiversity crisis....
Marine development in the UK and internationally is not currently sufficiently considering the wide range of social impacts for coastal...