Two New Creative Fellowships Announced Between South-West Artists and University of Exeter Academics
Food citizenship and the material culture of wills are two areas of research which are being creatively explored by artists...
Food citizenship and the material culture of wills are two areas of research which are being creatively explored by artists...
Iconic photographs of historic Mosul almost lost forever when Islamic State terrorists invaded the city will be on show for...
The largest study to date to analyse millions of both genetic and patient records on the long-term health conditions of...
A study of fruit flies shows some species are highly susceptible to a wide range of viruses. In the study...
The bacteria in your mouth and on your tongue may be linked to changes in brain function as you age,...
Powerful legal and financial service industries are enabling kleptocracy and corrupt elites to operate with relative impunity, a new study...
Honey bee mortality can be significantly reduced by ensuring that treatments for the parasitic Varroa mite occur within specific timeframes,...
Sound plays a significant and often poignant part of skateboarders’ relationship with their sport, a new study shows. Skateboarders develop...
A University graduate is celebrating a remarkable business milestone after seeing his ‘apres-ski’ inspired beer brand become a number one...