Experts from the University of Exeter’s Institute of Cornish Studies want to know more about people’s cultural identity

People can have their say about the importance of the Cornish language, “Cornishness” and those from the Duchy being recognised as a national minority through a major new survey.

Experts from the University of Exeter’s Institute of Cornish Studies want to know more about people’s cultural identity and what would be most important to support Cornish culture over the next decade.

The research will help Cornwall Council form a new 10-year language and culture strategy.

Researchers want to know how many people regard themselves as Cornish, their experiences learning and using Cornish, and their involvement in the Cornish language community or other organisations.

The survey will also show how many people use Cornish language media, and what would encourage them to use it more.

People can have their say about children learning Cornish, and about the Duchy’s culture, and barriers they feel exist to this. Cornwall Council is developing a curriculum for schools which includes examples and case studies relevant to Cornwall.

The research will also show people’s views about the official use of the Cornish language by Cornwall Council and other bodies, and knowledge of the council’s Cornish translation service

The survey asks people about their thoughts and awareness about government support for Cornish culture, and what the priorities for supporting Cornish culture in the future should be.

The survey is available at

People’s responses will be anonymous and the survey closes on September 22. It takes around 15 minutes to complete.